Diabetes Ganaka

Having diabetes, especially if you take insulin, can mean dealing with lots of numbers on a daily basis — from blood glucose level to grams of carbohydrate, insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio, and correction factors. These numbers are often crucial to maintaining blood glucose control and, in the long run, preventing diabetic complications. But on a day-to-day basis, all these numbers might seem pesky or even overwhelming — especially if you’re not naturally good at math. Diabetes Ganaka is the tool to help in calculations for better Diabetes Management.

Diabetes Ganaka 1.2
Touch Screen Enabled

Diabetes Ganaka 1.1
Diabetes Ganaka is mobile based  calculator of diabetes parameters which help in diabetes management. You can use Diabetes Ganaka to work out Glucose calculations(Average Blood Glucose, Mean Plasma Glucose, Estimated Average Glucose based on HbA1c), Hidden calories Calculations(On Labeled Products), Insulin Ratios(Blood Sugar to Insulin , Carbohydrates to Insulin, Blood Sugar to Carbohydrates), Corrected Dosage (with and Without Ketones), Corrected Calcium Calculations (based on current Calcium  and Albumin levels) and Obesity calculations(BMI, BMR, Body Frame Type, Ideal Weight, Calorie Required per day, Body Fat Percentage, Obesity Level, Body Water Percentage).
Up and Down Arrow keys to Browse Menu. Select or center key to select the Option. On the Parameter screen ,  you  enter the data and select appropriate options. Save key is pressed to see the calculated values. When the menu key is pressed ,it opens with two options: "help and key control". Once you press the save option, your parameters are saved and calculated parameters are displayed. The application  exited by selecting Quit on the menu.
The Diabetes Ganaka is a general educational tool only  and should not be considered as substitute for medical advice. Please do not reach any conclusions based on  these results.. Consult your doctor before making any changes in your dietary habits.

Supported Phones
Supported on all Java enabled mobiles.

The simple tools provide all the parameters like BMI, BMR, Body Frame Type, Ideal weight, Body Fat percentage, Daily Calorie needs and Total body water . It also gives the  Weight category,to which you belong, like underweight, Super Fit, Athlete, Fit, Marginal over Weight, Over Weight, Obese.
In the Input screen  , You have to enter the following.
  • Height in centimeters
  • Weight in Kilograms
  • Age in Years
  • Sex : Male/Female
  • Elbow Measurement
  • Life Style : Sedentary / Light Active/ Light Exercise / Hard Exercise /Athlete.
Body Frame Type
Between the 1950s and 1980s, frame size was considered to be a key factor in determining the best weight for an individual. Your body frame size is basically the size and density of your bone structure. You are born with a certain structure and, for the most part, it cannot be changed, so a number of health care specialists believed it should be considered in determining a person’s ideal weight.There are 3 types of body frames: small, medium and large. Frame size is based on one of the following methods.
Easiest way to find the frame type is by following procedure. Put your pointer finger and thumb on your wrist, wrap it around, if they touch and overlap, you're small framed, if they just meet, you're medium framed and if they don't touch at all, you're large framed. But accuracy of this method is questioned.
So Elbow breadth method is used to determine the frame type. This method also takes the input of Height and gender to determine the Body Frame type. You can become fat or thin ,but your elbow breadth (which is more bone-skin, not  fat-muscle) remains same, compared to wrist measure which may be very difficult to measure especially if the person is above normal weight. Obesity Ganaka uses the elbow method to determine the type of body frame.

Depending on HbA1c(Glycosylated hemoglobin A1c compound) value, the values are calculated and  provided using these following formulas:

Hidden Calorie
The Diabetes Ganaka takes the difference between the stated calories and the actual calories then divides it by four to yield grams. It then adds that to the carbohydrate grams listed on the label, giving you your total carbohydrate count. This formula is not perfect; however, it is a very close approximation.
The hidden carbohydrate, glycerin: There is a loophole in the FDA restrictions that allow manufacturers to leave glycerin off the labels of their products. The listed fiber count is sometimes higher than the "missing calories" difference between the numbers.

Note that this calculation will not help you if any of the "hidden" or missing calories are fat or protein; it assumes that all hidden/missing calories are carbs.

IMPORTANT: The 450/500 Rule is useful only for people with type 1 diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes usually produce some insulin naturally, in addition to the insulin they inject, so a total daily insulin dose cannot be calculated reliably.

Calcium metabolism or calcium homeostasis is the mechanism by which the body maintains adequate calcium levels. Derangement of this mechanism lead to hypercalcemia or hypocalcemia, which both can have important consequences for health.

Diabetic Gourmet Magazine
Global Rph
Healthy by kiona
Anthony Blogs  
American Diabetes association 
Fitness and freebies
Diabetes self Management

ReferenceCurt L. Rohlfing, BES, Hsiao-Mei Wiedmeyer, MS, Randie R. Little, PHD, Jack D. England, Alethea Tennill, MS and David E. Goldstein, MD "Defining the Relationship Between Plasma Glucose and HbA1c, Analysis of glucose profiles and HbA1c in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial," Diabetes Care 25:275-278, 2002

Obesity Ganaka and Fitga

The right weight for any individual is the subject of much debate between the fashion industry, feminists and health care practitioners. Yet, the truth is far more complex. While the consequences of not having proper weight or excessive fat is well known. As one progresses towards to ideal body, one needs to measure the progress in order to do the course corrections. But it is bewildering to know the charts or use formulas and use it on a regular basis to know your health status. Obesity Ganaka provides all the health parameters needed in your hands in your mobile with least effort.

Fitga 2.2 (Android)
Fitga In addition to all the obesity Ganaka Calculations have profile storing capability , inwhich you can add any number of profiles and store their parameters, so when you want calculate you can load the parameters from the profiles database and just add weight to determine your parameters. Fitga also has option to store weight according to date. You can add current weight to your database and view all the weights saved.

Obesity Ganaka 1.2
Touch Screen Enabled 

Obesity Ganaka 1.1

Obesity Ganaka (Ganaka means "Calculator" in Kannada): The Obesity Ganaka is a mobile application which gives all the parameters in hand, for people who want to fight obesity. The simple tools provide all the parameters like BMI, Ideal weight, Body Fat percentage, Daily Calorie needs and Total body water . Also included here is a an interesting application where you can know how much you weigh and what is your age on other planets, isn't that great!
Input Screen

In the Input screen  , You have to enter the following.
  • Height in centimeters
  • Weight in Kilograms
  • Age in Years
  • Sex : Male/Female
  • Elbow Measurement
  • Life Style : Sedentary / Light Active/ Light Exercise / Hard Exercise /Athlete.

Key Control
The key control is very simple. On the Parameter screen ,  you  enter the data and select appropriate option. The exit  is pressed to exit. When the menu key is pressed ,it opens with two options Save and Elbow measurement. Once you press the save option, your parameters are saved and ready to display your vital statistics. As you are taken to screen menu, you can select the various statistics of your body by pressing the center key. The menu can be browsed by up and down arrow keys. The  Planets screen  are browsed with left and right arrow keys. The back key command can be used to return to parameters screen. The menu key opens into help and select. The select key is to used to select the parameter you want to see. The Help key displays information about the parameter. The display can be exited by pressing 'done'.

Supported Phones
Supported on all Java enabled mobiles.

Elbow Measurement
  1. Extend your arm in front of your body, bend your elbow at a ninety degree angle to your body so that your forearm is parallel to your body.
  2. Keep your fingers straight and turn the inside of your wrist towards your body.
  3. Place your thumb and index finger on the two prominent bones on either side of your elbow, then measure the distance between the bones with a tape measure or calipers.

    Obesity Ganaka calculates..


     The Body Mass Index is a useful way of establishing whether your weight is within a healthy range.  In order to calculate your BMI, you need to know how tall you are(height in cm)  and your weight(in kg). If you are already pregnant, enter your weight before you conceived.
    Please note: this BMI calculator is designed for adults only. It cannot be used to calculate a child's BMI. A BMI reading between 18.6 and 24.9 is normally considered healthy. BMI over 25 is considered over weight and when the index is over 30 it is considered obese. BMI below 18 is considered under weight. BMI calculation is based on a formula by  Belgian polymath Adolphe Quetelet.

    Ideal Weight

    Ideal Body Weight refers to the desired weight a person of a given height and body frame should have in order to be healthy. Maintaining an ideal body weight, i.e., a body weight just right for your height and body frame, is key to living a healthy and disease free life. An ideal body weight greatly reduce the chances of diseases like heart diseases, diabetes etc. In the past, many fitness books would publish a chart of ideal weight. Often, the figures would list height corresponding to weight. But no more searching , you can get your Ideal weight in your hand using Obesity Ganaka.

    Body Frame Type 
    Between the 1950s and 1980s, frame size was considered to be a key factor in determining the best weight for an individual. Your body frame size is basically the size and density of your bone structure. You are born with a certain structure and, for the most part, it cannot be changed, so a number of health care specialists believed it should be considered in determining a person’s ideal weight.There are 3 types of body frames: small, medium and large. Frame size is based on one of the following methods.

    Easiest way to find the frame type is by following procedure. Put your pointer finger and thumb on your wrist, wrap it around, if they touch and overlap, you're small framed, if they just meet, you're medium framed and if they don't touch at all, you're large framed. But accuracy of this method is questioned.

    So Elbow breadth method is used to determine the frame type. This method also takes the input of Height and gender to determine the Body Frame type. You can become fat or thin ,but your elbow breadth (which is more bone-skin, not  fat-muscle) remains same, compared to wrist measure which may be very difficult to measure especially if the person is above normal weight. Obesity Ganaka uses the elbow method to determine the type of body frame.

    Body Fat Percentage
    Arguably, body fat percentage is the superior gauge of an individual's fitness level, as it is the only body measurement which directly calculates the particular individual's body composition without regard to the individual's height or weight. Essential fat means that level below which physical and physiological health would be negatively affected. In Obesity Ganaka body fat is measured using Watson Formula. Approximate value of Excess Body fat in the form of Kg is given.

    Basal metabolic rate (BMR), is the minimum calorific requirement needed to sustain life in a resting individual. BMR decreases with age and with the loss of lean body mass. BMR can be responsible for burning up to 70% of the total calories expended, but this figure varies due to different factors. Calories are burned by bodily processes such as respiration, the pumping of blood around the body and maintenance of body temperature. Obviously the body will burn more calories on top of those burned due to BMR. Obesity Ganaka gives the basic requirement for you based on Gender, Height,Weight and Age using Harris Benedict equation
    Daily Calorie Needs 
    Obesity Ganaka gives the basic recommended calorie intake  requirement based on your lifestyle and gender to
    Maintain Weight
    Lose Weight
    Gain Weight

    Total Water in your body
    In medicine, body water is all of the water content of the human body. A significant fraction of the human body is water. Gutyon's Textbook of Medical Physiology states that "the total amount of water in a man of average weight (70 kilograms) is approximately 40 liters, averaging 57 percent of his total body weight. In a newborn infant, this may be as high as 75 percent of the body weight, but it progressively decreases from birth to old age, most of the decrease occurring during the first 10 years of life. Also, obesity decreases the percentage of water in the body". Obesity Ganaka provides the percentage of water  in your body using Watson formula for Adults and Mellits-Cheek formula for kids.

    Your Weight in various planets, Sun and Moon
    So you think that you are too light or too heavy for earth, think about another planet. Each Planet size is different , so is the specific gravity , and so is the gravitational pull and so does the weight. You want to know, how much you will weigh  in each planet in solar system as well as the moon and Sun. Use  Obesity Ganaka to know the weight, it may lift your spirits and inspire you  to reach your weight,  if u were to be on moon or any other planet of your choice.

    Your  Age in Various Planets.
     Earth takes a year (365 days) to go around the sun. So you are so many years old . What if the earth takes shorter period or longer period to go around the sun. The year length will also change, so does your age too. Want to know how old you are in these planets , tap into Obesity Ganaka.
    The Obesity Ganaka is a general educational tool only  and should not be considered as substitute for medical advice. Please do not reach any conclusions based on  these results.. Consult your doctor before making any changes in your dietary habits.

    Fitga Demo

    Anthony Blogs

    Push Aata

    One blank square and all others are filled with  numbers. Arrange them in the shown numerical order. You  thought you can do it no time. Let us find out. The first one with ascending order from left to right is easy. Then comes the hard part. You have to learn some serious ways of counting upside down and arranging them. One look at the solved maze and you have to get it right,  no forgetting in the middle. Try the timed and championship , where you have to solve all the mazes to win the championship. A serious game, where your kid can beat you. Try the challenge. Game gets interesting as more squares are added, so many numbers and one blank to fill , the game is ultimate challenge.

    PUSH Aata 1.1
    Push Aata is a number arrangement game on a maze, The numbers are scrambled and provided. You have to arrange them in a particular order for win. The aim to do the arrangement in least number of moves and  in least amount of time. Depending upon the size of the mobile the matrix can have number of squares. Say if a screen size of  the mobile allows 5 squares to be accommodated, then you can have2X2, 3X3, 4X4, 5X5 Matrix. In each matrix there are eight ways arrange the numbers. So in total you have 4 X 8 = 32  puzzles to solve. But this is for a minimum screen size and most mobiles come with larger screens. If your screen can accommodate  nine squares ,there can be 8 X 8 = 64 puzzles to solve.
    The game interface is simple and the keyboard control is also simple. Four Direction keys and select ( fire key or center key ) are used. Direction keys to move the numbers in the Grid and to scroll the menu. Fire-key to select the option and to move in and out of play area.


    Moves is normal game , where you solve puzzle with least number of moves, as you move each number the move counter gets updated and you have to solve the puzzle with least number of moves. In this level there is  no time limit, you can have as much time for figuring the moves.

     As the name suggests in addition to number of moves, you are timed, you have to solve the puzzle in least amount of time. You pause to think about the next move or moving the numbers ,the time keeps ticking.

    Champion level involves solving all the puzzles. Once you solve all the puzzles you are the champion of Push Aata.

    Help Screen

    Help screen provides the key to be used and also other needed information to play the game.

    Game Play 
    Starting screen is menu screen. New game has to be selected here. When you select new game you are led to the game selection menu.In the game selection menu you have to select the number of squares, the maximum number of squares is calculated and preset based on the dimensions of screen.  You can select between 2 and maximum allowed.The keys are left and right arrow keys, once you press the center key, you will be shown the maze as it is solved. You can either press right key to play or left key to go back and select another maze. Once in the play area you can use the arrow keys to push the numbers into blank space to solve the maze. Once the maze gets solved it automatically displays it is solved and displays the relevant details selected during levels. You can select the type of game in the Levels.

    Supported Phones
    Supported on all Java enabled mobiles.

     PushAata GamePlay

    Push Aata MenuControl

    Star Yana

    StarYana is a popular spaceship game, in which you wade through asteroids and reach destination and you can shoot asteroids with missiles to get points. The game is designed to check your alertness and hand-eye coordination against the fast approaching asteroids.

    Star Yana 1.1
    Star Yana is Space Travel Game (Yana Means Path, road, vehicle, travel in Kannada). This Java based game is designed to run in all the Java Enabled Mobiles. The game features the space ship ,which has to wade through asteroid cloud. If spaceship is hit by a asteroid, you lose a life, if you lose three lives your game is over. The asteroids come in fixed speed. The asteroids come faster at one stage and cum rotating at another stage. The asteroids also come in various shapes and sizes. You can shoot the asteroids with missiles and earn points. The missiles are available in fixed intervals and has to be used judiciously. In one stage we have fuel tank hurtling down, if captured will add a life. There is also a mist cloud in which you cannot see properly, and you have wade through the cloud and asteroids.
    This option is used to set the speed of play depending on the playing experience. The options are Beginner, Experienced and Expert. The spaceship  travels faster in experienced and fastest in Expert. Some mobiles may be slow or fast,  here also this option can be used to have optimum playing speed.

    The game interface is simple and the keyboard control is also simple. Four Direction keys and centre key are used.  The up and down keys(or 2 & 8) are used to browse the menu items and select key (or  Fire key or 5 and in some Motorola phones Left key) is used to select the options. The game play involves the simple Left and Right ( or 4 & 6) keys to steer the ship to left or right.  The UP key(or 2) is used to fire a bullet. FIRE key or select key is used to select menu or get in or  out of play arena.

    The Pilot steering the ship has three life's, if his ship hits the asteroid one life is lost and after three hits the game is over. In which case the pilot can start another game or restart the same level to play. 8th stage and later there is fuel cylinder floating along with asteroids ,if the ship captures the cylinder the pilot gains a life. Each capture increases the pilot life by one.

    Each missile that strikes the asteroid destroys the Asteroid gets  1 point in Beginner level, 2 points in Experienced  level and 3 points in Expert Level and scoring also increases as you move up the stages. Finishing each stage earns points.

    Space Ship
    Gas cloud

    Stage I
    This level features Asteroids all same size, moving at same speed.  you can fire a missile and destroy a asteroid to earn points.

    Stage II
    In addition to stage I, The space ship moves faster ,so the asteroids comes faster.

    Stage III
    In addition to stage II, the asteroids come rotating.

    Stage IV
    In this stage the asteroids come in all sizes and shapes, some small and some big.

    Stage V
    In addition to stage IV, The space ship moves faster, so the asteroids comes faster.

    Stage VI
    In addition to stage V, the asteroids come rotating.

    Stage VII
    In addition to Stage VI , there is fuel tank, if captured by ship gains life.

    Stage VIII
    In addition to stage VII, the asteroids come faster.

    Stage IX
    In addition to stage VIII, there is mist cloud coming impairing the vision ,so that you have to calculate where the asteroid will be and fire a missile or evade it.

    Stage X and above
    In addition to IX, the mist cloud moves faster and also asteroids are coming out faster. Stage X does not end the game you can carry on further levels.

    Menu screen is the first screen. You can choose to play a game or set the level or browse the help screen. Once you finished a stage ,you will come to this screen from the score screen, you can choose to replay the same level or continue to next level, you can also start playing from the start by selecting the New Game option. The Level can be set by selecting the level and going to level screen. you can get more help with Help Screen. You can quit the application by selecting the quit option. The menu can be browsed using up and down keys and selection by selecting the center key.

    Help screen provides the Player control options and game scenarios. The player can go to and get out of Help screen by pressing the select or fire key.

    So Enjoy the Space Travel - Star Yana

    Pac Maga

    Missing classic Pacman? One of the most popular video games in history. Who can forget the countless hours spent evading the ghosts while eating on the dots and gobbling up the fruit for bonus points. Relive this classic game in your hand on your mobile.

    PACMAGA 1.1
    PacMaga brings the classic PacMan game to mobile space playable almost on all java enabled Mobiles. The game is adopted to several different screen sizes. The Game adjusts the playing to be same on all mobiles, whatever be the speed of the mobile or refresh rates. Keeping the limitation of mobile speeds, screen size and user keyboard, the game is optimized. It thus avoids the game from crashing which is usual phenomena in java games.

    The game interface is simple and the keyboard control is also simple. Four Direction keys and fire key are used. Direction keys to move the PacMaga in the Grid and scroll the menu. Fire-key to select the option and to move in and out of play area.

    You control the PacMaga through direction keys to eat the dots, fruits and proceed to victory. This is the only character under your control. You have three lives and each time you bump into a ghost you lose a life and when all lives are exhausted, the game is over. In which case you can either play the level again from start or start a new game. 

    Four Rakshasas are there chasing you , they get activated when you reach certain areas. They chase you down. When you eat particular fruit they turn blue and you can eat them. Which makes them return to center position and to their original state.

    Each fruit has particular points ,some also give you lives and some take lives. Some give power to turn the rakshasas blue so that you can eat them. 

    You Score 2points for every dot your eat. The rest of the points are given below. 

    Stage I
    You have only dots to eat and Rakshasas to chase ,complete eating all dots evading Rakshashas within three lives and you are through to second stage.Each dot gets you two points. 

    Stage II
    Along with Dots , Banana  fruits are placed at three random places and eating them gives 10 points.Eating all the dots and fruits gets you to third stage. 

    Stage III
    In addition to stage II , Grapes  fruits appear at three random places one each after you attain particular score. Eating them gives 20 point.

    Stage IV
    In addition to stage III, Berry  fruits appear at fixed intervals and disappear at random places. Eating them gives 50 Points. 

    Stage V
    In addition to stage IV, a sign, shaped like heart appears and disappears at fixed intervals at random places eating the sign increases life count by one. 

    Stage VI
    In addition to stage V, One sign shaped like spiral pit appears and disappears at fixed intervals at random places eating the sign takes lives. 

    Stage VII
    In addition to stage VI, Mango Fruit appear and disappear at random places at fixed intervals , eating them makes one  randomly selected  Rakshasa move faster. 

    Stage VIII
    In addition to stage VII, Lightning power  appears and disappears at random places at fixed intervals, eating them makes the all Rakshasas turn blue and you can eat the Rakshasas for points.When you eat them, they go the center of the maze and they get original powers and look. 

    Stage IX
    In addition to stage VIII , Number 500 appears and disappears at random places at fixed intervals , eating them makes the all Rakshashas turn invisible except for their eyes. Sometimes they don't care about walls and pass through them. Eating 500 gets you 500 points.
    This option is used to set the speed of play depending on the playing experience. The options are Beginner, Experienced and Expert. The ball travels faster in experienced and fastest in Expert. Some mobiles may be slow or fast, here also this option can be used to have optimum playing speed.

    Help screen provides the Player control options. The player can visit  and get out of Help screen by pressing the select or fire key.

    Supported Phones
    Supports almost all mobiles , You have specific problem, please contact
    Classic PAC -MAN
    Pac-Man is an arcade game developed by Namco and licensed for distribution in the U.S. by Midway, first released in Japan on May 22, 1980.Immensely popular in the United States from its original release to the present day, Pac-Man is universally considered as one of the classics of the medium, virtually synonymous with video games, and an icon of the 1980s popular culture. Upon its release, the game—and, subsequently, its derivatives—became a social phenomenon that sold a bevy of merchandise and also inspired, among other things, an animated television series and a top-ten hit single.When Pac-Man was released, most arcade video games in North America were primarily space shooters such as Space Invaders, Defender, or Asteroids. The most visible minority were sports games that were mostly derivative of Pong. Pac-Man succeeded by creating a new genre and appealing to both genders.Pac-Man is often credited with being a landmark in video game history, and is among the most famous arcade games of all time.

    Pong Aata

    Missing your favorite pong game on your mobile. Here is the redemption - Pong Aata. The adaptation of the classic pong game on your mobile, Optimized to play on almost all java enabled mobiles game works on almost all java enabled mobiles.

    PongAata 1.2
    Touch Screen Enabled

    PongAata 1.1

    PongAata brings the classic Pong game  playable almost on all java enabled Mobiles. The game is  adopted to serveral different screen sizes. The Game adjusts the playing to be same on all mobiles ,whatever be the speed of the mobile or refresh rates. Keeping the limitation of mobile speeds, screen size and user keyboard, the game is optimized. It thus avoids the game  from crashing  which is usual phenomena in java games.

    User Controls
    The game interface is  simple and the keyboard control is also simple The up and down keys are used to browse the menu items and select key (or  Fire key or 5 and in some motorola phones Left key) is used to select the options. The game play involves the simple Left and Right ( or 4 & 6) keys to move the bat to hit the moving ball.

    Game Scenario
    The game provides three lives for the player and after end of three lives the game is over. The player loses a life if the ball crosses the pad and hits the boundary behind. The player also gains a life if he reaches hundred points.The player get 2 points for every hit and 25 points when the Mobile misses the ball.  The Game speed also increase for every hundred points you make. This scenario tests your concentration.

    The game speed increase for every miss and can you keep up. The player loses a life if the ball crosses the pad and hits the boundary behind. The player get 2 points for every hit and 25 points when the Mobile misses the ball.How much can you keep up. This scenario tests your reflex action.

    The game is a marathon between mobile and you. The game never gets over until you quit. The ball speed increases every hundred points.. The player get 2 points for every hit and 25 points when the Mobile misses the ball.How long can you keep up.This Scenario tests your stamina to play the game for a long time.

    This option is used to set the speed of play depending on the playing experience. The options are Beginner, Experienced and Expert. The ball travels faster in experienced and fastest in Expert. Some mobiles may be slow or fast,  here also this option can be used to have optimum playing speed.

    Menu screen is the first screen and you have to decide which type of game you have to play like Lives, Reflex and Marathon. The Level can be set by selecting the level and going to level screen. you can get more help with Help Screen.

    Help screen provides the Player control options and game scenarios. The player can go to and get out of Help screen by pressing the select or fire key.
